Homesteading: Reflections

Baby, it’s cold outside .. and it is getting that way inside, as well. We have been without power for about six hours, so far today. The weather outside has been very cold (around freezing) very rainy, and very, very windy (thus the loss of power).
Your home is your homestead. Homesteading is a mindset:  • it is about believing in the interconnectedness with the earth • it is about growing some or all of one’s food, and  • it is about using the kitchen to prepare food, to preserve food, to stor
We talk about traditional skills, but have we thought about what that really means? [Traditional_skills_homesteadian.PNG] When I think of traditional skills, I think of my grandmother who was born in 1901 and raised 10 children during some really ha
Community provides a wonderful opportunity for dream-sharing, not the “I fell out of an airplane dream” but the dreams of what our lives will look like in the future, the long-term goals that are unfolding. [Homesteading_goals_and_dreams.PNG] Dream
[7BFCA21D-7F22-4CA0-84AD-15696F34E2A5.png] It’s early Christmas morning and due to the weather and some “under the weather-ness” our family get-together has been postponed. That leaves me with a lot of free time on my hands. So what do I do? Some m
[Homesteadian_eating-out.jpg] I heard this somewhere, recently, about eating out: we should consider eating out as entertainment vs nourishment.  This isn’t to say that some restaurants don’t serve highly nutritional meals but there is a mindset shi
[Homesteadian_kitchen-hub.PNG] 2023, for me, will be a year for even more conscious living than I created last year. Homesteading, steadying the home, is about being more engaged in the process of the foods we feed our family and being less of a co
You are living your dream right now - or you could be. [Living-the-dream.PNG] Your dream might be for the things you want to have but if you look at that dream more closely, you can see the lifestyle that you want to have, with the individual goals
Last night I was up, several times, babysitting the freeze-dryer. Something was amiss with the machine and I kept getting the error message and alarm. My options were to just shut it off and try again tomorrow or get up and try and get the error r
Living my vision board For me, a vision board isn’t just about goal-setting, but, rather, clarifying my lifestyle, how I want to life my life.  “Envision the life. Then, live it.” When talking homesteading, the recurring message is that growing som
You know when you “know” but you don’t really, really know until you get that ah-ha moment of deeper insight? That’s what happened to me the other day as I thought about who I was hanging out with - online.  I’m a gardener now … because  I realized
So, this “who ya hangin out with” idea has really had me reflecting on goals and  on my vision board concept of how I want to live my life. In the last blog about this, I talked about how I “hung out with” Jessica of Roots & Refuge Farm last year an