Homesteading: Reflections #18: Seating out vs cooking from scratch


I heard this somewhere, recently, about eating out: we should consider eating out as entertainment vs nourishment. 

This isn’t to say that some restaurants don’t serve highly nutritional meals but there is a mindset shift when we think of it as entertainment.

This, also, isn’t to say that home-cooked meals aren’t for entertainment, but, again, we are talking mindset. 

Homesteading Mindset 

And this all got me thinking about the homesteading mindset in regards to food. 

I grow my own food partly to know where the food comes from but there are other factors, as well:
  • Know the source of the food
  • Control the contaminates as much as possible
  • To connect with nature
  • To be a good steward of the land, working with nature
  • To be able to say “I grew that”. 
  • To keep things simple

With that list in mind, why do I eat out and order in?
  • Too lazy, tired, rushed, or unwell to prepare a meal 
  • Not confident enough in my cooking to serve it to guests 
  • Celebration event, social activity - the entertainment value 
  • And, sometimes, I just don’t want to “kitchen”. 

And, so, now what? 

Now, I have choices to make:
  • Having prepared meals ready to go for when I’m tired, rushed, and unwell 
  • Practice serving guests until I gain the confidence 
  • Host celebratory meals
  • Choose the eating out “consciously” and not out of habit 

Homesteading is conscious living 

.. conscious living, including eating for entertainment

What are your thoughts on this?
- Debbie 

a simpler life