Homesteading: Reflections #13: Silver linings are bittersweet blessings

Baby, it’s cold outside .. and it is getting that way inside, as well.

We have been without power for about six hours, so far today.

The weather outside has been very cold (around freezing) very rainy, and very, very windy (thus the loss of power).

Hoping that we’d have power quickly, we just kept our coats on and waited but, the temperature is dropping and we don’t know when they will get the lines fixed.

So… I crossed my fingers and started our propane fireplace for the first time this season.

Now, that process usually ends up being an hour long job, filled with frustrations and, perhaps, some colourful language.

But, today? I got it lit on the first try! Now, we get to curl up next to the fire and savour the warmth that we take for granted on a typical cold day in December. My toes and nose and fingertips are really appreciative of my efforts!  Life is good.

Life’s Silver Linings

Life’s journey is filled with ups and downs and struggles, frustrations, and disappointments.

Sometimes, life can be bitter.
But … when we look (and sometimes we have to look hard) there is the sweet that comes along with it. 

Silver linings are life’s bittersweet blessings. 

Today, I could have just started the fireplace, gotten warm, and continued to grumble about the wait for power. But, rather, I choose to reflect on the blessings, be grateful for what I do have, and be warmed not only by the fire in the fireplace but that in my heart, as well.

Silver linings: they are out there. We just have to stop and look.

What are the silver linings in your life these days?
- Debbie

Preparing for Power Outages

It seems like winter 2022-23 is going to be on with a lot of power outages. 

I was going to say “sadly” BUT in the days of my great-grandparents, they have had any electricity … so, silver lining of power outage is that we have power when it works! Blessings. 

And, then, we get practical and we prepare. Am I ready for the next one, when the temperature are well below freezing? 

Time for a checklist: 
  • Heat: propane tank full, ready for our fireplace
  • Heat: wood for wood stove in the cabin if propane becomes an issue 
  • Light: flashlights, with batteries charged 
  • Light: oil for oil lamps - for those long outages 
  • Freezer: most things have been freeze-dried and the freezer is in the porch where it gets really cold anyway. As long as we don’t open it, it will be fine.
  • Fridge: generator and extension cord AND gasoline to run the generator (if no generator, then keep the fridge closed as much as possible)
  • Water: large camp jug filled with water (refreshed monthly) for cooking … plus a smaller Tupperware bucket with drinking water, filled when the wind warnings appear 
  • Food: propane camp stove ready for cooking and boiling water
  • Toilets: bucket ready for filling from fish pond or creek across the road, for “emergency” flushing 
  • Phone chargers: charged (plus can plug into generator power cord)  
  • Hats coats, blankets
  • Gas in the car to drive to family member who has power :) 

a simpler life