Homestead Recipes #3: Recipe: Green Beans With Freezedried Ingredients


This is part 3 in a 7 part series: Homestead Recipes

  1. Made from Freezedried
  1. Ham Soup
  2. Recipe: Green Beans With Freezedried Ingredients
  3. Swiss Chard Burrito
  1. How to make Green Tomato Tea

Spruce up the green beans with freeze-dried ingredients

From the Garden 

Green beans have to be one of the best vegetables to grow in a homesteading garden because they keep on producing throughout the entire season!

Abundance of beans is a good thing, until you start getting tired of eating them for every meal. And, that’s when you do two things.

First you start preserving them. You can freeze them, can them, dehydrate them, pickle them, ferment them, or freeze-dry them.

Secondly, you get creative with how you cook them. One things that homesteaders learn to do, as they build their simpler life, is to learn a variety of different ways to eat whatever it is that it in season, whether it is growing in their garden, or someone’s in the community (neighbour, farmer’s market or local store). 

Our favourite recipe from the summer 

I have to admit that green beans are NOT one of my favourite vegetables but I tolerate them because I grow them. However, this recipe is really delicious and I made it several times this summer.

The Recipe
  • Cooked up some green beans in some oil, and add
  • Some garlic, 
  • Some FREEZE-DRIED mushrooms,
  • Some freeze-dried cheese, 
  • Some freeze-dried chicken broth, 
  • Some freeze-dried kale
  • Salt and pepper
  • A bit of water to steam the beans and rehydrate the add-ins 
  • Cook with the lid on and voila - deliciousness (and Rick liked it, I might add!) 

The Freeze-Dried Ingredients 
  • Mushrooms: bought in bulk and freeze-dried, preserving almost all of the nutrients  
  • Cheese: bought in bulk, freeze-dried and ready for when I have no cheese in the fridge 
  • Chicken broth: liquid from chicken cooked in the Instant Pot, freeze-dried, and powdered; and now can sprinkle in some broth powder for little batches. No waste. 
  • Kale: we hate kale. But sprinkled into stuff, we don’t even know it is there! Nutritious goodness without the kaleness.


(Harvest Right has a referral program for their freeze-dryers. I’d love to chat and help you with any questions you might have. Oh, and you get free Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers for the reference!)

a simpler life