11 Ways to live a simpler life
(Aka homesteading your life)
“Living a simpler life happens one step at a time. ”
I recently shared this image on my Pinterest account and I thought I would expand on it today in my blog.
Spruce up the green beans with freeze-dried ingredients
From the Garden
Green beans have to be one of the best vegetables to grow in a homesteading garden because they keep on producing throughout the entire season!
Well, that didn’t go as expected!
Baking Day
Today was designated as a baking day.
My goals were:
• To make something for the family meal tomorrow, for my granddaughter’s birthday
• Bake some cookies for Christmas
• Make some sourdough buns.
Living my vision board
For me, a vision board isn’t just about goal-setting, but, rather, clarifying my lifestyle, how I want to life my life.
“Envision the life.
Then, live it.”
When talking homesteading, the recurring message is that growing som