Homestead Recipes #7: How to make Green Tomato Tea


This is part 7 in a 7 part series: Homestead Recipes

  1. Made from Freezedried
  1. Lunch from Leftovers
  2. How to make Green Tomato Tea

Harvested Green Tomatoes - freezedry - tea.

From the Garden

At the end of harvest season, before the frost hit, I harvested the last of my tomatoes when they were still green.

I diced them up, using my KitchenAid food processor, with the amazing dicing attachment (no affiliation), and preserved them by freeze-drying them.

Fast forward a month or so and I see something online about green tomato tea!

Now, I’m not a tea drinker and I don’t like tomato soup or tomato juice but I do like to eat what I grow. (Remember my green beans? I don’t really love them but I ate them, because I grew them!)

Back to tomatoes: 
I gave the tea a try. 


  • I ground up the freeze-dried tomatoes in my Ninja blender 
  • I put 1 tbsp in a cup 
  • Added boiling water
  • Stirred in 1 tsp honey until dissolved 

If you like tomato soup or juice, I think you’ll love the tea.

After reading the health benefits of green tomatoes, I will be drinking more of it but I think I will try it with a bit of cumin powder and maybe a little black pepper.

When I preserve “salsa”, I collect the steamed juice (using my steamer juicer) and that version of tomato juice, I love!! So, now, to mimic the salsa flavour. Should be good. Next time.

I’ll keep you posted. 

Health Benefits

Now, when I read something about health benefits, I rarely take it at face value. But, I do do a search to see if PubMed has done any studies.

PubMed is where the medical/health researchers post the studies and research that they are doing. I’m not a science person but I do like to know what the science people are discovering.

I will let you do your own research. It is fascinating and worth a couple minutes of your time.
Search: PubMed green tomatoes

And, then, enjoy your green tomato tea!
I’m thinking that it should be a staple for homesteaders and living a simpler life.
- Debbie


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