Cooking & Preserving #13: Bread FAIL but that’s ok

Some days you have wins and some days you have fails

Today, we had a bread fail.

Today’s Plan for in the Kitchen

I woke up this morning with a plan to:
  • Cook a chicken 
  • Feed my sourdough starter
  • Make some homemade bread 
  • Cook another batch of Pear Crumble 
  • Make some bone broth 
  • … and do some yard work 

The Chicken

I’ll just fast-forward to the end, when Rick commented on the amazing flavour of the chicken. 

What a difference there is between (un-normal) normal chicken from the store and chicken that has been raised in the pasture, eating like real chickens do. 

I don’t always have access to pasture-raised chickens but when I do, I stock up. Last week, I purchased three. 

Today, I cooked one from frozen and it was, as Rick said, “delicious”. 

The Bone Broth

I had cooked the chicken in some water, along with some onions. When the chicken was done and I had taken the meat off the bones, I put the broth and bones (and onions) into the Instant Pot, covered the bones with water and pressure-cooked it for two hours. 

Once cooled, I will put it into the freezer and store it until I have a full load to go into the freeze-dryer. Then, I will vacuum-seal the broth in mason jars and store it for upcoming meals. 

The Sourdough Starter

 I’m on day 4, already, with feeding my starter. So far, it is looking good. 

The Bread

And, then, there was the bread.

I thought I was using the same flour as I used the other day, but apparently not.

This bread rose well, looked great … but, when all was said and done, I just did not like the flavour.

Why was it a fail?
  • Either I just don’t like the flavour of Einkorn flour for bread, or
  • The flour was stale and that impacted the flavour 
I think it is the former. So, I’ll just use the flour for other purposes besides bread. I don’t want to waste it. 

Tomorrow, I have a busy day, but the next day, maybe, I will try again with the bread and use my unbleached flour instead. 

After a fail, you need a win … jump back in and try again! 

Have you made Einkorn bread? What are your thoughts??
- Debbie

a simpler life