Homesteading: Reflections #1: What does HOMESTEADING look like?


This is part 1 in a 31 part series: Homesteading: Reflections

  1. What does HOMESTEADING look like?
  2. The next generation
  1. Evolution Empowerment !

Yesterday, I was listening to a homesteader talk about what his family’s lifestyle looks like and he specifically addressed the comments that he gets from viewers saying that he shouldn’t post about hunting or fishing when he talks about his homestead.

Everyone has their own goals for their homestead, including their own boundaries. And that is okay! No judging, no divisiveness; just empowerment, acceptance, and respect. 

Modern Day Homesteading

Modern day homesteading is about reconnecting with our food source and living a more self-sufficient or community-sufficient lifestyle And THAT can play out in many, many different ways, including hunting and fishing if you want.

Any baby step towards that vision of the above means you are homesteading. From growing a pot of herbs or a tomato plant, to having a couple chickens in the yard or an acre garden, to baking your own bread and churning your own butter, to hunting and fishing for your food - all of these are signs of homesteading. 

Or maybe you aren’t growing anything yourself, but are connecting with the farmer or artisan bread-maker, as part of your goal of knowing where your food comes from and choosing the more natural options. This, too, is homesteading, as you get back to a more natural lifestyle and connected to your food source. 


What steps are you taking to “steadying your home”, knowing your food source and becoming more community-sufficient? 

a simpler life