Handmade Items #2: Wooden Toy: The Ramp


This is part 2 in a 2 part series: Handmade Items

We were the best grandparents those years .. back when we still had a little energy to make it through the day of babysitting

The Toy

The Ramp was, oh, such a hard build.

I had a piece of board (previously was an alphabet board that I’d picked up at a garage sale, I think.) size? 1x3x4’

Our grandson quickly grasped the alphabet thing and that game wasn’t fun any more. So, I turned the board into “the ramp”.

I covered it all with duct tape and I drew lines on it, wrote numbers and word on it. Washed them off and changed it up, over and over again, always giving him something new.

  • We rolled balls down it - basket balls, bouncy balls, golf balls … 

  • We rolled cars down it, and trucks, and wooden airplanes …

  • We had races on it and challenges and guesstimating games (how far do you think this one will go) … 

  • He slid down it, even when he got so big that his feet were hitting the floor before he even started. 

We played with The Ramp for many hours every day, every week, from before he was two til after he went to school.

Now, he is 11 and he still remembers the games and the special words we used for crashes.

Toy of the year .. maybe toy of the “childhood” or toy of the “grandparenthood”.

- Grandma Debbie

More Wooden Toy Ideas

a simpler life