Share a recipe - get entered into the draw

Share a recipe - get entered into the draw
Share a “made from scratch” recipe and you are automatically entered into the draw for our book giveaway this month. 

How to Enter

  1. Click on your profile
  2. Select “+ new recipe”
  3. Add a photo 
  4. Give the recipe a name (title)
  5. Write the description (recipe) 

The Recipes

  • Cooking recipes
  • Baking recipes
  • Preserving recipes
  • Natural tinctures and salves
  • Or ? 

The Book Giveaway

This month’s book giveaway is “The Sourdough Whisperer” by Elaine Boddy.

When you share a recipe or post a DIY project (in the project section), your name is automatically entered into the draw. (more recipes and DIYs = more times your name is entered.)

At the end of the month, one name will be randomly selected and will be contacted for shipping information.

Good luck and thank-you for sharing your recipes with us. 

We are community,

a simpler life