2024 Garden Season #13: Potatoes

Last year, the potatoes were a failure 

The potatoes, last year, were such a failure that I almost didn’t plant another in-ground garden this year. Almost.

But plant, I did.

In the one garden bed, I planted some onions and, I guess they are doing well?? They are alive and they are growing. So, so far, we have a win. Crossing my fingers.

Part of the garden area, I had let go to grass last year so I had to use cardboard, this year, to try and regain that part of the garden and in this area, I used grow bags on top of the cardboard.

The grow bags got my potato seedling that I had started indoors at the end of March.

The grow bag potatoes are looking great. I don’t think I have enough soil in the bag, unfortunately, because at the time of planting I didn’t have any bags of soil available (and I wasn’t feeling well) so I just through them together. 

Anyway, back to last year’s potatoes: this year I have several potato plants growing in amongst my onions!!
The potatoes from last year - that didn’t grow - waited until this year!!

Now, we had a really mild winter this year so I don’t know if this “waiting” was just lucky timing or if it is a possibility for the future as well… regardless, definitely worth noting.

Now, we wait. Will I get potatoes to harvest and which will do better?

a simpler life